Jimmy T.'s Amateur Radio Page
Real Audio WWV
United States Naval
This is the Ham Shack. As you can tell by the Barbie on top
of her monitor, my wife is a Barbie collector. My radios are on the right in the stained wood shelves. My radios are: HF, Kenwood TS-440SAT with
MC-60 mike, 2M all mode, Kenwood TS-711A with MC-60 mike, 2M paket, Icom IC-2000 & Kantronics KPC-3 tnc, Scanner, Radio Shack - PRO-2036
with 200 channels. Other equipment includes: 2 PC's, Radio Shack Atomic Clock, 2 printers, and Daiwa 2M/440 SWR meter.
KRO'S KRU HOME PAGE CLICK HERE!!! This is the softball team I play with on Wednesday nights, when there is no
Pearland Amateur Radio Club meeting.
Send Me E-mail, aka K5JTJ, click HERE!
Click Here to see some pictures of my FT-100 in my truck!!!
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